Increase your awareness
Increase awareness of self and others to strengthen relational connection
Assessments provide a laser-focused way to quickly achieve deeper insights that might otherwise take months or years to bring to light. They can improve self-awareness and self-perception to better understand yourself and others.
For Behavorial Styles
The DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details. It is a widely used personality profile assessment in businesses and among teams.
Knowing where you and others invest energy is key for understanding yourself and others so you can thrive in relationships.
Here are the steps for purchasing and completing your assessment:
When you complete the form indicating your intent to purchase an assessment and make a payment, I order and assessment on your behalf and make payment at that time. Therefore, all assessment purchases are final, and no refund is available.
Learn More About the DISC Assessment
For Motivational Styles
The Motivational Style (MS) assessment tool is based upon the study of human value, motivation and drive. The MS helps you better understand your unique value hierarchy or belief system pertaining to what motivates you, what you are most drawn to, and what you are most passionate about.
Knowing your motivational style sheds light on the WHY behind what you do. It will help you relate more effectively – personally and professionally.
Here are the steps for purchasing and completing your assessment:
When you purchase an assessment and make a payment, I order and assessment on your behalf and make payment at that time. Therefore, all assessment purchases are final, and no refund is available.
Learn More About the Motivators Assessment
For Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions – both yours and those of others – and to reflectively regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).
Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success.
Emotional Intelligence may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.
Here are the steps for purchasing and completing your assessment:
When you complete the form indicating your intent to purchase an assessment and make a payment, I order and assessment on your behalf and make payment at that time. Therefore, all assessment purchases are final, and no refund is available.
Learn More About the EIQ Assessment